1. Average land area under jute cultivation : 14.75  Lac  acres
2 Average production of jute carryover : 78 Lac bales (1.40  Million   Ton.)
2         “           (0.04  Million Ton.)
80  Lac bales (1.44  Million Ton)
3 Average internal consumption of jute : 65   Lac bales    (1.16  Million   Ton)
4 Average Export of raw jute with value : Quantity Value
14.00 Lac bales  (0.19 Million Ton)  1076 Cr. Tk.
5 Number of jute Mills : Under BJSA                         94 (12 Closed)
Under BJMA                        165 (42 Closed
Under BJMC                        32 (10  Closed)  
Total : 291 Units  (64 Closed)
6 Number of workers employed in Jute Mills (Approx.) : BJSA  Mills                       75,000
BJMA Mills                       60,000
BJMC Mills                       27,000
Total: 1,62,000
7 Average production of Jute goods : BJSA  Mills        5,53,000   M. Tons
BJMA Mills       2,94,000   M. Tons
BJMC Mills        1,09,000   M. Tons
Total : 9,56,000   M. Tons
8 Average internal consumption of Jute goods : BJSA  Mills         30,000  M.    Tons (Yarn/Twine)
BJMA Mills        64,000  M.    Tons (Sacking/Hessian)
BJMC Mills        30,000  M.    Tons (Sacking/Hessian)
Total : 1,24,000  M. Tons
9 Average Export of jute goods with quantity, value : Quantity (M.T)                         Value (Cr. Tk)
BJSA  Mills         5,27,500                     4200
BJMA Mills          1,78,500                    1415
BJMC Mills             57,500                      546
Total : 6161
10 Spindles in Jute Spinning Mills : 2,49,036            Installed
1,95,055            Operated
Installed Looms in Jute Mills Hessian Sacking CBC Others Total
BJMC: Installed 6232 3696 1000 95 11023
Operated 2600 * 2535 393 20 5548
6510 8285 831 495 16121
Operated 1675 2793 71 226 4765
Acronyms Used
BJSA  Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association (Private Sector)
BJMA Bangladesh Jute Mills Association (Private Sector)
BJMC Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (Public Sector)
CBC   Carpet Backing Cloth
Weight & Measures:
1 acre = 0.405 hectares
1  bale = 180  K.G.
1. mt. = 5.56  Bales
Source: Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association. As on 2018-19